Never being able to hold a specific item would probably just incite more storage/transferring. Can't hold that nice item you had on your last character? Store in on your buddies character so he can give it to your next or just hoard it indefinitely.
jreid_1985 wrote:
Maybe it should just go to a monthly vote of who you think is being the biggest obvious hoarder. Everyone throws in an anonymous vote of say.. vermel. If the player gets enough votes, the imms dehoard him of 4 rare items that month.
Hoarding is a matter of perspective. I have maybe three highly sought items. Before I managed to get my hands on it, you would almost never see it in the game. It's the players you don't see that should be the issue. Like, where has that scripted diamond khopesh been all Dec? At least I'm online and using the items, regardless of whether or not you agree with how it's being used. Don't like it? Come and gank me. I'm probably AFK in HQ all the time, right?