Cordance wrote:
Jreid I know you like to think poorly of me. Didnt you make a number of posts about how weak Talon guards are and how they should be buffed before you rage quit as leader? You are right I just checked on the air entrance and it has been removed recently. I know I have entered it on Caric so I made an assumption without wasting flight, there is still the in city side structure of it as an exit but not the entrance. Considering Meepe managed the impossible task of walking around Nerina perhaps you should ask him for some pro tips. Also I could be mistaken on this but it looks like there have been a few guard changes in Nerina.
Kid, I made one post regarding the weakness of the talon guards and if you actually read it, you would know that like pat, I mentioned that the strength of the talons defense is in the cluster of guards by the fountains.
My post regarding talon balance had to do with other factions having access to stronger guard NPCs that required less charisma to order than the upper tier talon NPCs. aka air elemental/cowled figured vs Griffon barbarian NPC (that I still think the CHA requirement needs to go down on, because lol griffon toughness).
You responded by saying that talons are fine and to basically look at your ganks you landed on meppe via balacha taunt and circle stab as evidence that talons is balanced. Any smart player knows how to bypass taunt completely.
The majority of the playerbase ranks talons as the least strongest tribunal especially when you consider that you can no longer order the priest NPCs to buff you with spells, but since you are a wealthpool of mechanical knowledge, I suppose the rest of us are wrong.
I don't need to ask meppe for pro-tips and if you want to really know how he managed to appear 2 rooms away from you, then you should know that I gated him in with my sorc to various locations while spying out yours. lolz