Thuban wrote:
Thuban wrote:
There are already major rewards in place for completing the Endgame Boss Trifecta, beyond all the loot and XP you get from getting to and beating each one individually. To my knowledge, nobody has yet claimed said rewards.
the_skaddict wrote:
This is the type of statement that lowers the players opinions of you and the staff. You aren't getting to and beating these bosses if you need XP nor are you getting to and beating these bosses if you don't have a decent kit already.
You might be surprised how many non-GM characters have gotten to and beaten one or more of these endgame bosses. To say it does not happen is simply a nonfactual statement, and to base any conclusions on that is meritless.
In my now 15ish years of off and on game experience, if a non GM character is going on this trip, it might be a singular GM character and they are going on this trip to get "xp" and level.
Thuban wrote:
You may also be surprised to learn that, even if you do have a good kit, you can get an even better kit by beating them. Complete with many scripted items you can acquire from them and along the way, many of which did not previously exist.
Obviously, thats why people do those runs. Its not the "fun" factor. Is it cool to say I've beat the GGI or Ephilates? Yeah the first time. After that it is what it is. You're going there for the loot. If you don't have a decently put together kit though, good luck cuz your dying to some BS before you get to the boss.
Thuban wrote:
Now, on top of all that, you get access to even more rewards that I don't think anyone has even gotten at this point. I am happy to accept constructive criticism about those rewards from anyone who gets them. I personally think they're quite good, and give nice benefits to the characters who get them that elite loot alone does not.
This seems generally cool, and I am curious what that reward is, and like I've said many times before I think OP loot good for the game. Almost gives a reason for people to waste 3-5 hours per run on a Saturday night to do something stupid like the "Trifecta" as you're calling them.
Thuban wrote:
If people are mad at me because they jump to illogical conclusions based on nonfactual misinterpretations of my statements, there's not really anything I can do about that. But, even though you claim people have a lower opinion about me and the staff because of what I said here about how there are new rewards for beating these bosses that never existed before, I have not received any complaints about adding more rewards in for beating all three endgame bosses, nor have I received any complaints about expanding the amount of equipment you can get from the bosses and throughout their zones, and updating all the equipment to be among the best you can possibly get. I'm not sure why people would be upset about me pointing out that you can get even more rewards for beating them now than the already good rewards of elite loot and, for the odd non-GM character, XP. Quite a lot of XP in some cases.
To sum up:
- Before there was less loot, and it wasn't as good; now there is more loot, and it's better.
- Before there was no additional reward for completing the Endgame Boss Trifecta; now there are additional rewards for completing the Endgame Boss Trifecta.
If you get mad about that, chances are you'll get mad about anything.
Nobody gets mad at more loot. People get annoyed and irritated with the staff when they pat themselves on the bac for tweaking an end game dungeon to make it "harder" or added more "phat loot" or "sweet reward" but only after you've completed 3-5 hours of mistake free play where if you and your group dies you get wiped. Don't believe me? Lets take a look at Tom Clancy's The Division: They introduced a dungeon without checkpoints and people got tired of wiping and getting no reward for 30 mins of game play AND they didn't lose any of their precious loot. Since that point in the late spring they have had to have 3 major patch updates to try and win players back. Hell the last major update they release last week was a quite literal complete overhaul of the mechanics of the game, the loot in the game, and they even went back and added checkpoints to the first raid.
Today's young players are different. They like a challenge but they aren't going to spend 3+ hours on one activity. Today's older players have jobs/bills/families/responsibilities and don't have 3+ hours of game time even if they wanted it.
You want to pat yourself on the back and talk about how great you are? Figure out how to streamline the Trifecta runs. Make them hard, and a challenge but get it under an hour. Then pat yourself on the back. Until then? We are going to roll our eyes at you when you say you can run the Trifecta for "XP" or the "sweet new bonus".