Dulrik wrote:
patrisaurus wrote:
This isn't an original idea, it's a feature I saw on another mud that I really liked and thought I'd bring here.
How about a "character notes" system (aka role, background, etc)? This seems like something that could be similar to the Description system, but it would be a 100% optional set of entries made by the player in whatever form they liked, all the way from bullet points to creative writing submissions, to explain whatever they wanted to about their character. This would be visible only to immortals and the character.
I have had this on my list of potential changes for quite awhile. It would be like a journal and the point would be to detail the history of your character and explain their motivations.
It could also be optionally published once the character is retired (such as directly to the afterlife forums).
I wonder how many people would actually use that system much less be excited by it? Let me know.
I would quite a bit. It would save me from having all these external text files that I use to keep track of my characters interactions with people which is quite inconvenient if I log in to play from a different location than normal.
Maybe you could even have certain actions automatically go to the background, ie joins a religion/tribunal/cabal, greets people the first time, etc.