Yed wrote:
Dulrik wrote:
ssenpsl wrote:
I would quite a bit. It would save me from having all these external text files that I use to keep track of my characters interactions with people which is quite inconvenient if I log in to play from a different location than normal.
Maybe you could even have certain actions automatically go to the background, ie joins a religion/tribunal/cabal, greets people the first time, etc.
As I mentioned though, I am thinking of this as a story journal / diary and not as a log. Meaning you would need to write entries to it and those entries should be in character.
I could see value in having the option for both. An OOC log space would be helpful- I remember always having to waste my aliases with notes-to-self to keep track of information that I needed to reference quickly with my characters. Actually, the OOC log would have been very useful, and is something that I'd advocate before the IC journal.
I agree that there should be something for in character and OOC, but if the in character is like a diary then those entries would be date time stamped which means that certain major events during the life of the character would/could also be automatically added to the diary along with its respective date time stamp. Maybe those automatic moments would be the heading of the entry and then there would be space available to fill out more details, the future that they saw for themselves at the time, the plans that they had, etc.
As for an OOC, that would be extremely helpful as I mentioned originally. As of current, I have 'helper' files across all three machines in my house that I generally connect to SK with (background thoughts of RP, sayings the char uses, things I've been told by friends, places I want to remember, etc) and then none of that is available to me if I connect at lunchtime from work. If it were all in the game as an OOC log, then I wouldn't have to try to consolidate those files.