Mr.Treefinger wrote:
Finney, we are not wrong. We are expressing our views and opinions of a game and what we think is wrong/ what would make it better. You are no more right or wrong, for you simply state your opinion. As I mentioned, you do not take into account the other player/ the time they have spent/ the sk community. You do what you want and disregard everyone else, if this is truly how you play. It would not surprise me to learn you could care less whether or not I play again, as you have not responded to that. You seem to be one of these people, the sk people that turn me off to the game, that seem to think what you do doesnt affect others and doesnt better/ worsen SK. There is a reason player counts are low, I have always offered suggestions like these which contribute and I have always been shat on by those with similar beliefs to you. Perhaps only when the ship sinks will the captain see his error. As far as jreid, Im not even trying to turn this into the typical SK argument so dont even go there alright. Ive played this game for a very long time and have had many different experiences, show a little respect. You telling me you don't know what I am talking about is not only ignorance, it is also what leads a seasoned veteran like myself away from SK. Its not that I can't PK, or do as everyone else does, its the pbase and the mindset pervading the game these days.
I don't know why people like you who perpetrate things like killing lowbie delfs 20 levels under you with no rp (enmity) turn around and talk about the lack or rp with pk. I don't know why people like you join cabals for those new fighting abilities, but when you get killed, hey it was no rp, I quit. I just don't understand where you are coming from throwing out these accusations against the pbase like eq transfers from tolene and his hellion which haven't even taken place. Look, its unfortunate that you are deterred from the game because it is a time sink to you, but that is neither mine nor anyone else's fault here. You are the one being disrespectful here with your hypocrisy and accusations.