Achernar wrote:
Even matched numbers will always lead to a successful defense. There will likely never be a time attackers can defeat an equal sized party plus both the inner and outer guardians and the spawning NPC guards. I guess the onus is on the attackers. Would you rather face some AI driven NPC groups and the two guardians, or some AI driven NPC groups, both guardians, and PC defenders? I'll take my chances without the PC defenders thanks. That's why I see many more raids with 2 or less defenders than I do with more than 2. In the past 20 only 3 had more than 2 defenders. One of those 3 seems to be some kind of fluke. So 10-15% of the matchups in CRS are not the dreaded "ninjar" raid and we're done working on the entire system?
Oh yeah and if we're removing the secrecy from cabals help files it should be fair game for discussing on the forums.
Does this gain more credibility with you now, D, that it's been stated by one of your staff, or will you continue to brush this thread off as "complaints of the old guard" despite the fact that it's not all old guard who are telling you that you're vision is skewed from the practical realities of the game?