JeanValjean wrote:
And Ilkaisha, junking everything, even turning auto gold off off so that they don't locate your coin stacks increasing to then 10 minutes later locate the coins repop on the NPC and figuring out where you are, first of all has huge drawbacks in terms of leveling.
"c locate coins" every tick
Even if you remove the ability to locate without argument, nothing will change. At ticks a simple c locate coins will show you what NPCs repoped at this tick. You can narrow it down to c locate gold coins so you can get only higher level NPCs for example. Area useless equipment that's getting junked can be used as an argument also.
The solution that you suggest will change nothing really. Junk all is the way to go to avoid instant locate, there is no way to avoid repop locate. Unless of course Dulrik changes the code as I suggested and makes a random list at locate. This will certainly increase the cpu load though.
On the matter of levelling now, if you are confident enough to start PKing before GM, you certainly are confident enough to level with the fear of being PKed. I doubt there is anyone out there that will locate things on your char while levelling and come to gank you if you are not a known member of a faction or started to PK yourself, thus making enemies before you could handle them. So seriously, don't try to be so dramatic. Almost everyone who gets PKed while levelling dies because he brought it to himself.
And because this thread probably started from my gank on Artja in the CoH, I had like 24312341 more chances to gank him while levelling. I knew his race, his class, his religion and I could have found him easily in Tlaxcala for example(where I knew he'd be solo probably). Yet all these times he was ignored and I ganked him at CoH simply because he has involved himself in summon killing my tribunal buddies.
If you can't handle getting killed while levelling, don't make enemies until you are GM. Simple as that.