grep wrote:
I'll tell you what needs to happen, but won't:
The group system should be rewritten from the ground up so that your experience in a group is based on a role you (or your leader) assigns instead of a position. Abilities then need to affect group members differently based on the roles of each member. "Reach" as a concept would cease to exist and would instead be a bonus or modification towards attacks on defended targets. This would allow groups to scale to a greater degree and allow more flexibility in how groups are formed. One barbarian defending three shamans? SURE! Ten mercenaries defending one sorcerer? Why not!
Groups would become a more nebulous, yet meaningful, matter of states instead of a hard-coded matrix rife with fascinating features arising from odd circumstances. It would become a system of options and choices instead of checks and balances.
That's how you bring tactics back. The current elite PVP is not tactics, it's a pissing contest.
I like this idea, yeah, WoW-like groups work much better in PvE, however this can not work in PvP since the players have and should always have the ability to choose targets.
However, it may be a great idea if some aggro enabling skill was implemented for more classes than the swashbuckler. Something like taunt, but other tanking classes should get it too, like barbs or mercs.
Come to think about it, SK is one of the few games of the kind where the concept of tank does not actually exist. Everyone is DPS! Even priests are barely healers during a group pvp fight (but I am not sure how the code in a text-based game would help more with that, I can't really come up with something better than the info command at the moment).