Give swashbucklers beat and clash.
[Skills help] beat
Syntax: beat
Beat is another move in the swashbuckler's arsenal. A beat is used to attack the opponent, particularly their weapons. If it is successful, the victim may find their weapon hand(s) in worse condition. If it is parried, both combatants have a chance of damaging their weapons, depending on their quality and the strength of the user. Beat cannot be used if a swashbuckler is holding an exotic weapon or none at all.
tl;dr: Extra weapon attack, can damage weapons or hands, cannot be used to initiate combat, when used, hits the current opponent
[Skills help] clash
Syntax: clash
Clash allows the swashbuckler's finesse with a blade to shine in a most daring manner. If successful, the swashbuckler uses one of their weapons to lock an opponent's weapon out of combat, rendering both unable to be used and removed for some time. Clash is a risky alternative to disarming an opponent, as while using it, the swashbuckler is less likely to parry incoming attacks.
tl;dr: Channeled ability, locks down one weapon each, potential fix to 'massive weapon' imbalance, cannot be used to initiate combat, when used, hits current opponent