Marfik wrote:
As for the rest of the argument - "if it lands" - that doesn't seem to matter. If any offensive spell/skill lands, you're going to lose all your eq and be screwed.
I also kind of like the fact you can use it to put people in jail, I remember a sorc who roleplayed a bounty hunter at one time. What if you are a follower of Ain who wants the law to be served to the letter? There is really no other way.
I just don't see how the spell is any different from other insta-death spells/skills, once it is put on the same level.
If any offensive skill or spell lands it's not going to kill you instantly. It actually takes skill and thought for most things unless you get spam bashed. Even then you can order a pet to rescue you and escape.
And for other "insta-death" skills/spells... If you get petrified you can tell someone and they can come depetrify you quickly, or come and guard you so you dont get depetrified killed, or come kill them before they depetrify kill you.
Finger of death is not an insta-kill, as it dont do too much damage unless you have no enchants.
Voodoo you can have shield and sanct up, and dont usually kill you unless they have a doll or you just dont have much hp. Also you can ask for help from a friend to gather your things, and there is also major drawbacks to it as you can gate to them easier and gank them.
Charm person you cast it, it takes what...2 rounds...and you automatically win. No draw-backs, nothing they can do to save them or their things, and what they can do in the situation with you is far worst than any of the other situations. (Take your things or junk them, then kill you. Or keep your things on you and take you somewhere that would be hard for others to get to you and then petrify you. Or lead you somewhere to send you to jail.) It's pretty much a "screw you" spell. Rarely ever does someone rp with you when you're charmed, and even if they do they're usually planning on taking your stuff or junking it anyways and killing you.