ObjectivistActivist wrote:
Humans are supposed to be the most common race and have no drawbacks. They don't have drawbacks (such as increased weight of armor) and have only the bonus attribute max for their racial advantage (unlike races like giant that get mastered bash, edamage, and boulder no matter what their class, not to mention the innate bonus to bash and damage from size alone).
If you want to be a boulder chucking giant, play one that doesn't wear full heavy armor (the only reason you wouldn't have a ton of carrying room for boulders). It's a tradeoff, and one that's reasonable given the other advantages of the race.
There is a difference in having no drawbacks and just flat out being -better.- Humans are the best at nearly every profession save a few. The idea behind humans is a jack of all trades, master of none but they're actually the master of most trades. The innate bonuses from bash / damage aren't really much when bash lands so much anyways and a Human with 25 str can put out just a bit less damage than a giant or centaur.
Also the innate bonus to skills is completely negligible because the Human will eventually master those skills. The giant will be better at the beginning, but then wane off. Also, as it stands there are items that Giant's can't even wear. Try wearing an obsidian weapon or iron weapon. Even if it's size giant and you have 25 str, you still can't do it simply because it's so borked.
I agree with ardith. 1.5x would be beneficial. If I'm right it'd give them roughly 700ish lbs to work with. Having over 1000 lbs of carrying capacity would simply be too much for them to horde. They need some sort of boon though.