And now we have magnetic which I think is heaps good for my bard though it's not a phyiscal trait, I think it does its job.
Not to pick on you in particular, but the problem is it does more than it's job. You've moved beyond describing what someone sees to forcing a judgement upon them.
An aristocratic, pure-blood deep-elf might not be impressed by half-elves in general. Why should his player see "magnetic" on his screen? It surely can't be helping him stay IC. It's not nearly as bad as descriptions like "You quiver with fear at the sight of this warrior.", but the same principle applies.
Granted, any adjective is a judgement against the norm: how does this character stick out? But physical adjectives like tall have the advantages of being both indisputable and obvious. A tall character is indeed above the average height for his race, in the eye of any observer. Nor does it take lengthy study to make the observation.
On the other hand, I'd have to spend quite some time with a character to consider him "quiet". And would I necessarily consider him that instead of shy, respectful, or meditative?
Pick a valid adjective instead. Let your personality shine forth in word and deed, and allow other players to make their own judgements.