ninja_ardith wrote:
Kin wrote:
while i agree there are some crazy ways to tank damage and such, it bugs me that almost -everyone- hides behind pets or keeps a pet with them. I think one change that could benefit is to take away bash from -all- store bought pets. This allows casters to have a pet in front of them, but not one that can bash. It allows a swashie or rogue to have a companion with them, but not one that can keep someone locked into place.
I think the obvious questions that need to be asked are, how does this become beneficial, or how does this even affect gameplay. Are you suggesting that peoplare are using their storebought pets to lock people into place with a bash?
Is it so hard to find a barbarian or mercenary PC to do this same exact thing?
The way I see it, it becomes obvious for some people as it's a secondary bash or a primary bash in some people's. For example, a swashie can lock a character in place with a taunt..However or they can have a pet beside them to trip / bash should their opponent be flying / deafened.
Or say a merc has a pet companion beside them. Instead of having to avoid 1 bash, now you're avoiding two bashes instead of one, which greatly enhances its effect (effectively doubling it really since 2 bashes is harder to avoid than one.) That's just my opinion though. The only thing that should be able to bash is things like charmies, PC's scout pets (since they're on a whole other level than store bought pets.)