grep wrote:
Tr33hugg3r wrote:
You have no idea the kind of cookie cutter class this would create not to mention opening the flood gates to Twinks. Sounds good in theory but in practice, no good has every came from such a system.
I say give it a couple months and everyone would end up with a cookie cutter class, made up of only certain skills and spells that would be the most advantageous.
System Design 101:
Fix only what's broken.
Game Theory 201:
If you're stupid for not choosing a certain option over others, that option is very likely unbalanced.
There are many options in the game that already are better than others, and those choices are already made. Why adopt a philosophy for only half of the design process? Either make all choices equally valid or don't, but don't start trying to balance things after accepting the fact that some things are just naturally better choices than others.
In other words, set up a classless system with net zero gains, and you won't have a system that can be abusable.
The only thing that can stop twinks is sane, well-thought-out designs.
This game has been designed to
favor and reward twinks, grinders, and other such jrpg protags.
Going classless would be a step towards making that paradigm shift.
I completely understand what you mean, or at least I think so, lol. The way I had envisioned you idea is by taking all the skills, spells and songs and putting them into one big list. Now divide that list amongst certain trainer types. Elemental, arcane, buff/debuff, weaponry, ranged spells, aoe, summons, etc. Not to mention armor type training (what type of armor your character will use. Cloth, light or heavy.).
The only way I could see this working is if you devised a point system after this, giving each skill, spell, song and training session a value based on it's strength and/or type. I would also envision that training any skill, spell, song or armor set would also require spending acquired experience.
Allowing this, one could put together whatever type of character they wanted. For example, I could roll a elf that wears heavy armor and summons elementals and shoots arrows. I am just coming up with this off the top of my head. However, give it enough time, and enough experimentation, and people will eventually figure out one set that will gank all the others. Those who get ganked by the ones with this 1337 skill, spells, song and/or armor set will eventually figure out what that set it. Before too long, they will roll the exact same thing. The only people I could see breaking the cycle would be the pure RP players, which are extremely rare these days (I hate to say it, but players like myself are an endangered species). It will open up the flood-gates for twinkers and jerks alike to ruin it for everyone. Chaos would ensue, up would become down, black would become white, East would become West and molten marmalade would rain from the sky.
I could be seeing this very differently than everyone else is, and perhaps you have a different idea than I do, grep. This is just how I see things with the way you have explained it thus far and I cannot see how, in the long run, this would be a proper solution. However.......once again I admit to the possibility that I am completely wrong.
On a completely personal note, I think I would lose almost all interest in the game if the system changed so drastically.