Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
Or that nobody rps during a charm... but at least with charm the user is forced to rp with you.
Nobody truly RPs during charm, there is no such thing.
Help Charm Person wrote:
Additonal note: Charm person allows players the ability to control
another. This demands that both the charmer and the charmee must play the
role they are in properly and will be penalized for bad RP.
The help files say otherwise. I don't believe you are an empty shell. I believe that you still have your morals, beliefs, etc., but you have a deep love for the caster, and that you would do anything to appease them out of that love. You have the say and emote commands for things like this.
Charmer to lightie charmee: Hey, would you kill this child for me?
Charmee: I really don't want to, and my vows actually prohibit it, but if it pleases you, then I shall.
Charmee smiles as he stares at his most favorite person in the realms.
Charmer does o charmee kill child
Nowhere in any of the help files does it say you become an empty shell. The first thing you do when you get charmed is a scripted emote of looking at the caster with adoring eyes.
Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
I think it is really ridiculous though to say you can't rp it, or that it somehow strips away your character.
I'm afraid, ridiculous is to say otherwise.
I've found it enjoyable at times to play the submissive part, but that's probably because I'm a people pleaser IRL. Making others smile makes me smile...odd I know.
Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
If you can't conceive of roleplaying a person who is under a spell that makes them beholden to another individual, then you're just not very creative.
There is nothing to conceive, charm utterly dominates the mind of the target.
Again, nowhere does it say this. No where does it say domination utterly dominates the mind, but I do believe, just from the name of that spell, that it should be the case.
Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
There are plenty of ways to interpret that without just doing the empty shell thing.
The RP of people is based on countless experiences throughout their life, especially if they are long lived. Interpretation of the sort, requires that you put those experiences aside and RP a "John Doe".
Interpretation of what sort? Oh, wait. I know which sort. The one that I didn't go with.
Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
I understand some people have had bad experiences with this spell...
I personally haven't been affected by charm,
You should try it some time.
Im2old4u wrote:
Marfik wrote:
...but some people enjoy the possibilities.
I'm sure you mean, the casters.
I enjoy the possibilities. Ask Alisu. Charmed me on a couple of characters and both times, I had fun.
Im2old4u wrote:
There are no arguments to refute these facts, Marfik.
Refuted, but I doubt you will like any of them and will probably come up with some way to make them all invalid in your eyes, but you must remember that your eyes aren't the only ones that matter in this game. We all bring different attitudes and interpretations to the table, and I am not saying your empty shell interpretation is wrong, but I am saying it isn't the only valid interpretation.
Im2old4u wrote:
Roleplaying is not something you do only for laughs. It should be able to make you feel excited, sad, disappointed, happy etc. To make a character and grow with him, feel how he feels, act as he would and so on...
Achieving this level of roleplaying, leads to the full understanding of the facts mentioned.
The only acceptable guideline would be something like... You now RP "John Doe", read the help file to learn how John Doe behaves.
I do feel excited, sad, disappointed, happy etc. when I am RPing under charm. If I do something that, if i mess up, will get me killed, i get excited. When I succeed, I'm happy. Then they kill me anyway, and I'm sad. The charm didn't go as I would have like, so I'm disappointed.