Muktar wrote:
Kin wrote:
Final strike has but one use unless the gods give an exception, atleast according to the help file. It's a last resort only, take everyone with you type spell.
Voodoo on the other hand is a "sit anywhere in the world, voodoo anyone in a nonmagic room and kill them while you're safe repeatedly" spell. That's the difference in the two.
Final Strike IS overpowered. It's meant to be. It's a one time use thing only. Voodoo is a normal spell that's just too powerful and needs to be toned down a bit.
What you said about Voodoo is completely wrong. You have to cast it in a summon/gateable room and after it is cast. You are totally helpless for over 3ticks. Voodoo was nerfed about the no magic room over a year ago.
Helpless for 3 ticks? Alright, let's imagine this scenerio.
Shaman A is sitting in say cabal A HQ and voodoo's oh i dunno, merc A? Shaman B, who is also sitting in Cabal HQ voodoo's Merc A. Merc A is now dead. Or
Shaman A is alone in cabal A HQ and voodoo's merc A. Merc A, now to live either has to rest and hope he regains full HP in 3 ticks, if said voodoo doesn't kill him, OR merc A has to go and gather up a huge posse of friends to raid Cabal A HQ to kill said shaman. On top of that, Merc A is also maledicted out the wazoo due to voodoo.
As long as the voodoo spell is as powerful as it is, it will still remain overpowered. Just because the shaman is helpless doesn't mean they can't hide in certain areas when they do it to prevent attack. For example a lightie shaman Voodooing' a DE could hide in sithaniel. G'luck gettin him there. On top of that, the shaman could ALSO have a group waiting to protect him if the victim that lives comes to kill him. See what I'm getting at? No, you may be able to be summoned or gated to, but just because you ca summon and gate to the attacker doesn't mean you won't get totally destroyed when you come out the other end.