Sometimes people just get pushed too far and there you go, Lightie on Lightie violence.
This gets into whether a character in extreme enough circumstance can break his alignment. The best stance, IMO, is yes, but that it's still cursable besides its IC consequences. Dulrik has changed the rules so good-on-good violence is curseworthy in general. This doesn't mean it's never proper, but you ought to have a darn good reason.
If you suspect your character is going to do things like this, you should really consider making him gray. If your character is going to do this enough to level, your character should definitely not be light-aura.
OOC knowledge should have 0 part in any role playing game, especially all of this aura nonsense.
I strongly disagree. If we're going to have a shared story, there has to be some internal consistency. You can't spontaneously decide the Meissa temple in Uxmal is actually an evil cult, and then expect other players to back you up on it. Such reasoning is why you're required to read and conform to SK's help files. Blending such OOC observances, and others such as courtesy and storytelling, with staying in-character is part of an RP MUD's challenge.
For an example of what happens when everybody just stays IC, consider a MUD where diabolic characters routinely murder newbies. That's perfectly IC. It forces characters to avoid common areas, which is also a good IC response. But this isn't a MUD many of us would want to play.
dogpile on Necromancer McUnprepared
This happens when you're playing a character class partly balanced by how much other characters hate it. And in general, evil alignments give a character great freedom to act, and a great number of enemies. Good characters have more friends, but more restraints. Pick your poison.