Must have thought he was in the old new sith training area - Prior to the bees and termites.
A dumb male griffon says, "I am ready."
[100%] [100%] [100%]
Bob the Priest has resurrected poorsap.
[100%] [100%] [100%]
A dumb male griffon claws at poorsaps face leaving a blank expression.
poorsap is DEAD!!
[100%] [100%] [100%]
A dumb male griffon says, "I am ready."
[100%] [100%] [100%]
Bob the Priest has resurrected poorsap.
[100%] [100%] [100%]
A dumb male griffon claws at poorsaps face leaving a blank expression.
poorsap is DEAD!!
[100%] [100%] [100%]