jerinx wrote:
Edoras said something in another arena about potions being super strong/why bash is so strong. It gave me some ideas/inspiration about bash/etc, so I'm going to re-post the flicker of inspiration I got from the 'other place.'
The entire problem with bash is it completely eliminates any ability to use skills. No disarm, blitz, dirt, casting, et cetera. If you eliminate one thing that bash prevents, then there's another 500 things you have to consider. It just stops all skills.
The prone system being implemented was an amazing first step to allowing adjustments to bash/trip. Something else to consider would be re-classing some skills as usable while prone, to increase the tactics of a battle. I sure as #*$& bet a warrior can try to throw dirt while prone. Maybe enIable grabbing equipment off the ground while prone (disarm/bash/etc loses it's potency, makes people think twice about bashing after a comrade has fallen). Take combat casting to the next level and let you cast while prone - stop HP-healing spells (retain affliction healing spells) and word of recall from prone. Drastically decrease the time it takes to remove dirt from your eyes if you're rolling around on the ground. Things like that. No complex skills like blitzkrieg or headbutt (headbutt from laying on the ground?).
Maybe in a sideways way of looking at it, you can buff the #*$& out of taunt - if the swashie is prone, then taunting causes whoever they taunted to become prone (to smack some @*$% into that smartass) while extending their own prone-time. Maybe allow it so there's rounds of unarmed combat with those they taunted into prone.
Maybe we'll see the dawn of kick becoming overpowered!
/Just ideas.