There's an incomparable amount of BS spewed in this thread, and all of it is Ardith trying to get ironguard nerfed so that he can annihilate iron-weak clothies with his crossbow specced merc.
The spell is called IRON. GUARD. It does one thing. It GUARDS against IRON. Yeah, it does a good job of that. It sure had better otherwise it'd be a stupid waste of a spell. It's already received a nerf from its original incarnation, in that it used to give 100% protection regardless of level. Now, it's level based and you have to gather, brew, and burn a high-level vial in order for it to mitigate a noticeable amount of damage.
Sure, guards in most cities use iron-based weaponry, which means they aren't very effective by themselves against someone with ironguard. This seems like a good idea to me, in that it encourages actual prep before trying to rambo into a city. Even then, who the heck has ever actually gotten ganked by solo gate guards anyway? This is a pointless argument.
Some of you might say "But it's dumb that I can completely mitigate an entire racial weakness," but that's probably because you've never had iron weakness used against you in PK before. It sucks hardcore. Anyone who's ever played a iron-weak cloth class against just one person who uses iron bolts or iron daggers for circle stabbing will tell you that if it wasn't for ironguard, their character would be absolutely useless. Ironguard doesn't protect you any more at all against non-iron based weaponry, which means that all it prevents is you getting 1-shotted with iron circle stabs or 2-3 rounded with iron crossbow bolts; Instead you get 2-shotted with circle stab or killed in 4-5 rounds with crossbow bolts just like every other clothie. Every iron-weak race besides half-elf anyway has other inherent weaknesses with no spell to mitigate them, so it isn't as if ironguard removes all penalties from playing as an iron-weak race. It just makes them actually useful.
In addition, anyone who's ever played a melee character with iron-weakness knows how much it sucks to lose a fight because your opponent simply did 50% more damage than you. Half-elves, sprites, even elves and deep-elves have a hard enough time just being on even footing with humans already, they don't need any less incentives to be played as melee classes.
So no, Peso is not right in this thread. Nerfing ironguard more will just mean that cloth-based iron-weak PCs will be absolutely murdered by ranged combat with absolutely nothing they can do about it. As it stands they already have to quaff high-level IG, and then they're at least closer to even footing with every other cloth-wearing race as far as ranged combat goes.
To counter-point some specific nonsense statements:
ninja_ardith wrote:
This is completely illogical, but why would you be against something that would actually weaken my character, a fair bit, I might add...Having used ranged combat on my characters I guarantee you that the iron bolts *still* do more damage against iron weak races than wooden ones.
No, nerfing ironguard would not weaken your character, not at all. You play an elf merc, which is different from every other merc in that elves A) suck on the front row, and B) can retreat with almost no penalty. Your merc is never on the front row unless you're about to recall or are dying, indicating by the fact that the log snippet you posted in the OP was when you should have recalled, but instead died. On the other hand, your merc is specialized in crossbow and carries around iron bolts all the time, and spends a heck of a lot of time shooting iron-weak races. Funny how you somehow seem to think that nerfing ironguard will totally nerf your character.
ninja_ardith wrote:
Seriously, some races are weak to iron, but it's not really a weakness when there is a spell that can be brewed that can mitigate 95-100% of that damage. I play an elf merc, and it is written: finger of death is trash, vampiric touch is trash, iron is trash. Elf mercenary is so insanely good, and I can completely negate one of my weaknesses.
No, elf merc is not insanely good. The only thing that an elf merc is better at than a non-elf merc is retreating, and the one thing they're worse at than every other merc race is staying alive. They suck on the front rank, their CON is bad, and their STR is bad, not even taking into account their weaknesses. The only weakness you mentioned here that can be mitigated at all is iron. Brewed ironguard will never mitigate 100% of that damage, although it will mitigate most of it. It's also definitely a weakness if in order to not get screwed over in PvP you have to always quaff a high-level vial that another PC had to brew. One thing you cannot brew against as an elf, however, is negative energy weakness. You might say that FoD is trash but that sounds like a load of crap considering that you posted a log of your elf merc getting brought down from 100% to 22% in one double FoD scroll on two resists. Yeah, really trashy. Negative energy weakness also means that you're straight up screwed by any weapon that has a life drain attack.
tl;dr: If you don't like ironguard, then don't use iron weapons. Nerfing the spell would just completely screw over all iron-weak clothies and absolutely all melee iron-weak races.