Terrus wrote:
I think we should discuss the best armor in the game and what it takes to get it in relation to the current player base. Is it feasible for this player base to go on long and dangerous extended trips to outfit one person with god like armor?
Dulrik is alright with me giving you all a few details on this, so here goes.
The best armor in the game is hard to get. There's no other way to put that. I think it is feasible, but it would require veterans to lead a group to and through the dangerous areas, which could take several hours and encompass significant risk. Not everyone is interested in that, and that's understandable. In specific terms, all of the items in the Iron Citadel were improved and updated. Old scripts were altered, new scripts were added, and all of the bonuses were reworked to be relevant in today's game. And, just to be clear, the Grand General is wearing mostly heavy armor now. The Dreamscape and Nightmares Temple did not need as much work, because they were not as outdated, but a bug that was causing the items forged by the Dreamsmith to crumble was fixed. Those should rank as being among the best jewelry slot items available, for whatever that is worth.
The Infernal Dominion was expanded and has new equipment, but also new challenges. It is not as easy to get to the Iron Citadel as it used to be, but the rewards in the Iron Citadel and in the Infernal Dominion are bigger than ever before. It is going to be like Christmas morning for the first group who manages to pull off cleaning out those zones, if and when that ever happens. I think people are going to like some of the new scripts. They are not overly powerful, but they are novel and useful. You get more return on your investment than just outfitting one person in godlike armor. You can get a couple of suits of godlike armor and then something extra for everyone else.
So, that's the story with the top-tier equipment. The second-tier stuff is more relevant for day-to-day play. Raids on the Iron Citadel and Nightmares Temple are going to be infrequent, if they ever happen, and the equipment in those places is going to remain top-notch. However, there is a lot of good stuff in the Wastelands and the Outer Planes, and other areas that are moderately challenging, but nowhere near as challenging as the Nightmares Temple or Iron Citadel. A bunch of it was reworked. Karnak's equipment was the poster-child for outdated equipment for a long time. It now has innate bonuses and a script that make it (or pieces of it) viable to use as part of a good suit. Other second-tier equipment has gotten the same treatment. The bulk of it is in the Wastelands, but it is also in other areas. Most of it just sits there, unused. A competent group can acquire most of it in under an hour. It is where you would expect it to be - Matron Houses, Outer Planes, D'Astae Camp, Mountain Fortress, Craeftilin, Cain Techt, Pits of Az'Pook, Lower Morea, Vaerlain, Necropolis, Selhys, and so on. A handful of top-tier loot is interspersed among these areas, particularly in the most dangerous sub-areas, but the best stuff by far in quantity and quality is where you would expect it.
I feel that the Teron dragon quest is worth doing again. There are items there that are useful for a range of classes, some of which reward people who have completed the quest with scripted functionality. It's not just outdated armor anymore. I believe people are aware of this since a few of the items have now made it into circulation. Depending on your build, this stuff could qualify as top-tier or second-tier. Thus far, the feedback about these items has been positive.
Qulrokil wrote:
Totally agreed. I think there should be at least two or three more Karnak level difficulty bosses out there in the Wastelands or on the islands with Karnak level rewards - some of which should include, gasp, greater innate fort/will mods as opposed to the moderate ap, mp, me, hp/moderate fort, will that seem popular.
And by totally agreed, I meant to respond to your question by saying no, it's not at all feasible.
This already exists. There is a lot of second-tier equipment that is unclaimed, some of which has the kinds of bonuses you are asking for. There are also two new zones waiting to be discovered. Those zones are not as hard as the Iron Citadel or Nightmares Temple. They are supposed to be more along the lines of the Wastelands in overall difficulty. There is a decent amount of second- and top-tier equipment to be found in them. There is, however, no GRP associated with these zones. People will find them at some point if they look hard enough... or they won't. In addition to these various stores of equipment, the sacred suits are also more useful across the board than they used to be. Elements of those, or the full suits, can be incorporated into putting together a good set of equipment.
To make a truly awesome suit, you either have to go beat up the bosses in the toughest zones (or use some other method to acquire their stuff), or you have to figure out the landscape of the second-tier and isolated top-tier equipment well enough to assemble something from among those items. That, or you can get a viable, but not perfect, suit from a hodgepodge of first-, second-, and third-tier items. You don't have to have the best suit in the world to compete in PvP, but you do have to have something decent, and that means taking some time to learn what is out there and how to get it. The wide availability of bless spells from quest sources should also help in that department. This is one area where veterans enjoy an advantage - they know how to assemble a good suit from what is available to them and what they can logistically hope to obtain - and the only way to catch up to the top veterans in this department is to go out and learn all the stuff they learned.
Whatever you do, take a bard. There is a lot of new lore, both on old equipment that has new functionality, and new equipment. If you take some time to explore and see what is out there, I think you will like what you find.