- Add a mood 'passive', which would only allow dodge- and parry-like abilities, nothing offensive. If mood is anything else, when someone attacks, you fling back your cloak and fight un-hindered. If passive, you struggle to defend yourself in your cloak until you leave.
Agreed, but passive mode should still reveal you if you're in combat long enough.
- Strong winds have an excellent chance of knocking back hoods and a lesser chance of blowing open cloaks.
I'd say it depends. Most people would hold the cloak or hood down if they wanted to be concealed. If anything, make it easy for cloaks or hoods to 'blow off' mid-combat in passive mode.
- If your dex is pathetic, as someone said, you trip on a rock and knock aside your hood. A random chance on movement for your hood/cloak to be knocked askew, depending on dex, would make sense in that light.
Yeah no.
- Don't have the hood auto-change descs. Just like poly and disguise, if players are too lazy to change their descriptions (and I think most clients have trigger capabilities to make this easy) then they lose out on benefits for people who actually read descs. There are many individual features that could still be discerned in a cloaked figure.
Then there's no point to really using this, is there?
- While you're at it, could add a 'face' eq slot for masks and visors (that don't so easily fall off), and could still make an identity hard to discern. (Although with visors and cloaks, I could see a "raise/lower hood/visor" for that command. I think if someone's stunned, their hood is likely going to fall back when they hit the ground.)
Ehh... nah.
Robes aren't a bad idea. If they are implemented, however, it must be very easy to decloak / unhood someone.
More importantly, not all guards everywhere would be prone to just tearing off hoods from people. Maybe make it so that people can't be hooded if a crime was reported within the last 72 IC hours..?