ardithV2 wrote:
Rehginn wrote:
let's just make law NPCs force deletion if they catch you....that would be sweet.
I move to give the floor to the distinguished gentleman from the darkest corners of SK.

I am just playing. I really can't say what to do about the issue as I have just returned to SK again recently. So I am a newless cluebie when it comes to the new banish system.
Perhaps if caught, you would lose a substantial amount of xp. Instead of equipment, xp loss would be judged by the crime and xp loss + execution for the high crimes. That would solve people removing their deathmark if it were brought back.
That would make people think more about committing crimes in cities where laws are and not want to "turn themselves in" so quickly.
As far as the player abuse, I'd have to agree with Rial. People will abuse things if they can and try to get away with it. It is human nature to <Topgun Theme>push it to the limit. </Topgun Theme>
Maybe if when sending a deathmark out, a log cache is created to store deathmark usage. Example: Deathmark Damacon <insert brief reason>
Immortals could use a code "deathmark list" or whatever and see a list of currently active marks and the reasons behind them. They would only need to be checked if someone felt the deathmark was being abused. But after saying that, I think people would probably lie about reasons given and who can really trust who's side. We are now back to where we started.
But it would certainly show if someone was deathmark happy and hitting up the entire who list.
Just a thought, no idea if it would help or not