ObjectivistActivist wrote:
I can, I think, with some great authority state that dex has nothing to do with it, given that a max dex sprite gets disarmed as many as three times a fight.
You can only carry so many weapons. L2P is a pathetic excuse for a response to a code change that is literally brain damaged in nature.
Or do you instead recommend that all characters that will face disarming NPCs while traveling or in PvE carry 10+ weapons?
[Skills help] disarm
Syntax: disarm <victim>
The disarm skill allows a warrior to attempt to knock an opponent's weapon
out of his hands. The skill also aids in defending against opposing disarm
attempts. Recovering the weapon may be difficult in the heat of combat, but
after re-arming, the weapon's speed determines how long it will take to resume
a proper weapon stance. It's generally impossible to disarm unless you are
wielding a weapon, although there are some groups and creatures whose
bare hands count as weapons.
There are a variety of modifiers that affect the success of a disarm attempt,
including both parties skills with the weapons involved, the accuracy of those
weapons, and relative
strength and dexterity. Certain types of weapons provide
additional bonuses or penalties on a disarm check. Unparryable weapons provide
a bonus to disarm attempts while two-handed weapons provide a better defense.
So yes Dexterity is a factor. And try using an unparryable weapon.