jerinx wrote:
Does everyone here realize that the races who are weak against iron are generally weaker choices for classes, if we were to focus only on stat allotment, than those who are not? They either have too weak of intelligence/wis (sprite/halfling/elf), or too low of an hp/stat base for warriors (sprite/halfling/delf)? Honestly? How did this thread even get started with a straight face?
Oh, if it seems like a great idea to whinge about nerfing races even further lower than the current necessity of preparing heavily before even reaching baseline, did anyone get stopped by the fact that every durable material in the game is unaffected by ironguard? People realize you can still do FULL, NORMAL damage to these people affected by this spell utilizing durable, common, plentiful materials? Did that idea stop this thread yet?
This is why we can't have nice things.
This crap is just not true. Sprite and elf sorcerers can sleep with charm person, and there's just no reason not to train mana for the boosted mana regen. How are sprite, and deep-elf hps too low? How does it even matter? Sure if you're mauling idiots that are afk all day long and just surprise attack them with no buffs you're going to kill them, but there's more than enough damage mitigating spells as it is. You people are acting as though you can't use buffs like magical vestments/protection/spirit aura/sanctuary, on top of ironguard. As for the argument that elves can't do fine in the front row, my elf merc does just fine in the front row, thank you very much, and I had an elf merc prior to this named Atreidan that was just about always front row. Yeah, sure you can use a non-iron material weapon, but that is not what is being argued here.
The argument is ironguard vs the material it is good against. If you cannot argue that, then you have failed.