Dulrik wrote:
It's a post about titles and while I didn't agree with the original poster, I had my own idea for titles that I'd been thinking about for awhile, so I thought I'd share. If you prefer that I not share ideas with the player base and just go ahead and implement them first, then feel free to continue your persuasive comments.
I have to say, as a Union Steward, I hear this sort of (logic) on a regular basis. "If (the workforce responsible for creating the product that allows my paycheck) is up in arms with the adjustments I've made, I can choose to go extreme and make everyone's work-life miserable. Is that what you're telling me you want me to do?" It is unfortunate I have to see this sort of sophistry when involved in my recreational activities.
I have not read beyond this post yet, so I don't know if any has debated this particular idea of prerequisites or how well any has debated it. Jardek was a leader of the cabal or tribunal in Ayamao while he was knocking MC into the dirt. I was a member of MC at the time (go figure). Jardek claimed as his title 'knightlord'. This was perfectly reasonable, given the RP and PK circumstances at the time. I see no way he could've fulfilled any coded prerequisite to claim 'knightlord' in his title. With this example as a backdrop, I am adamantly opposed to any prerequisites at all for any titles whatsoever. I also bristle at any sophistry as exampled above.