Sargas wrote:
It is a beneficial change to make because, right now, the only real way to "save" yourself is to have word of recall with you. People don't even try getting away normally, they just quaff to safety. People don't go into fights with the intent to finish them, they just want to see if they can swing it in their direction before they make the decision to word away or not.
Either way, you have a very odd way of viewing how the game works. Forcing people to stay and fight also means the vets -- who will be the first to quaff away if the fight turns sour -- will also die more. This means that fights will go from being mostly engage, combat, recall, to engage, combat, flee and attempt to shake followers, or engage, combat, finish.
As for enchanting: shrug. You must not read the forums much.
With some recent combat changes second and third row players already have a hard time escaping a fight without WoR. I've noticed that flee doesn't work nearly as often as it used to. And not being able to walk away because I have auto assist off and haven't thrown a spell or fired an arrow is frankly [REDACTED]. I miss being able to have the tactical advantage of leaving my pet behind so I could escape without needing WoR. Would this make me more vulnerable in the short term, yes. Would I still be close by, yes. Would I be speed quaffing WoR, no.
A nerf to quaf or to WoR in general won't help Pk imo.
As someone who plays an adventurer class and has been told ICly and OOCly that it's not beneficial to take me along because my class doesn't offer anything it's a little frustrating. I think the classes all need to be looked at and rebalanced. The unfortunate thing here is that unlike some MMO type games there isn't a separation of PvP vs PvE. So balancing skills for both is a pain. But it's something that needs to be done.