Forsooth wrote:
Plan B, draft version:
1. Allow joint membership in one cabal and one tribunal, with no special restrictions.
I agree.
The Midnight Council is designated a cabal. If members can enter tribunals as spies, more power to them.
Possibly, if the alternative were deemed to complex to include in a first phase.
But the obvious alternative is to split Midnight Council into the "Midnight Council" cabal and "Imperial Legion" tribunal as part of phase one. Seems a perfectly natural split that's been a long time coming, no less so that the old Hammer/Peacekeeper seperation.
Midnight Council gets a new skill, the nature and detail of which can be decided on their own forum. They don't loose out in any way in RP terms, because if they want to continue their close connection with the Legions and the Empire, its members can just go ahead and rejoin the Legion.
Shortage of dark tribunals temporarily solved by forcing Guardians or Talons grey, as part of a global RP.
I disagree. I wouldn't like to see a global RP force anything of the kind.
The Guardians are borderline grey anyway, the Talon less so, but still not as zealot as the Peacekeepers. They had a Hellion amongst their number of late, for example. Granted, it was an "Allikat special"

but telling all the same that it worked for the Talon. She never managed it with the Peacekeepers. Most she got was her name on a plaque.
So in descending order of morality, you have the Peacekeepers, the Talon, the Guardians, the Legion, then the Council of Necromancers. Seems to me to be graded enough to be balanced as is. Certainly not so unbalanced that you'd want to change anything as part of a first phase.
Create tribunal for Empire, as balancing dark tribunal. Tribunal takes the name of Midnight Council. Cabal changes name and takes a more global perspective.
Granted, you are talking phase two here, though I still hold that the MC/Legion split should be phase one and I don't see why you'd want to change any names. That seems artificial. No reason why the Midnight Council can't take a more global perspective, in the same way the Hammer did when they were originally severed from the Peacekeepers.
On the other hand, a rose is a rose by any other name. As is hemlock. Personally, I'd argue that this issue is less a design consideration than a consideration for whoever ends up playing in these newly split organisations, along with their respective patron immortals.
The Knights of the Selkwood were renamed to the Guardians of the Ayamao by their own wish at the time. The Peacekeepers maintained the name Peacekeepers by debate and discussion amongst the inaugural members of the day.
The Legion are the armed forces of the Empire, in the same way that the Peacekeepers were of Taslamar. Therefore the Midnight Council is the obvious choice for cabal and always has been. Only up until now, they've utterly dominated the Legion.
Though to be blunt, this is a discussion they can sort out amongst themselves on the MC forum. The only design consideration is whether or not to split them into seperate Cabal and Tribunal as part of phase one or leave it until phase two.
I favour the first option.
Tweak cabal powers. For former MC, replace leadership with a new power. For Harlequins, improve powers if tribunals have effectively shut them out.
Agree with the obvious need to replace MC leadership with something new.
I fail to see why you'd have to play with Harlequin powers, or why they's (that one is for Grakus

) be shut out of Tribunals. It occurs to me that if the cabal poised itself right, their members would be like gold dust to tribunals across the board. The Harlequin are morally ambiguous, and any harlequin would make the perfect spy for the secret service of any tribunal.
Consider changes to Oathbreaker flag checks and leader dual membership, if immortals have had to interfere too much.
Although not of crushing urgency, so definately phase two or beyond, I think Oathbreaker should continue to apply to cabals, but be removed from Tribunals. Tribunals are already restricted to recruiting only from members of their kingdom, that's protection enough. If you are a citizen of a nation, you should be eligible to serve in that nation's armed forces.
Not included in steps: Cabal secrecy improvements, tribunal NPCs in warring kingdoms, tribunal combat system, etc. While interesting, they are not tied to dual membership, or vice-versa.
I agree. None of these are topics without merit, but they are a different subject to this one.