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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:53 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
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Dark-Avenger wrote:
Cyra is right. I was laughing after some voodoos as golg when newbies attempted to summon me to them.

And Muktar don't bother with any tests. If a room is gateable, you can summon and be summoned from there. Nothing changes really.

Last time I played a shaman, I went to a no summon but gatable room and tried to voodoo but it failed.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:44 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:14 pm
Posts: 819
The no summon was added because other wise friends of the shaman could summon the helpless shaman away from the vision of the victim giving them no hope of running in and killing them.

I would like to see voodoo get a major change. Ive had a number of ideas on the topic.
First voodoo spirits similar to the lamp that summons a genie. The spirits power being based off the shamans stats in some way similar to an elemental. The spirits are flagged as ghosts until they reach the room of the victim where they open up with a set of maledictions dropping into normal sight. The spirit sight is to give religions a slightly better chance of living out the other side of them seeing as they lose spirit aura protection.
From what A said. Make Voodoo the first spell to truly use the short time effects. Remove the paralyze restriction of voodoo and reduce the gate no resistance. Make it a DoT spell with each "short tick" a malediction being cast. The spell would draw a large chunk of ME and PE each malediction round.
Making the spell do double damage if in the same room, normal damage if in the same area (as summon) half damage if across the world. With spirit dolls being a modifier on it as well. This would improve shamans in a battle. Rather than just an attack from across the world.
Just make it a vision and malediction spell. Minor damage. Making it every factions best friend.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:41 am 

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Muktar wrote:
Dark-Avenger wrote:
Cyra is right. I was laughing after some voodoos as golg when newbies attempted to summon me to them.

And Muktar don't bother with any tests. If a room is gateable, you can summon and be summoned from there. Nothing changes really.

Last time I played a shaman, I went to a no summon but gatable room and tried to voodoo but it failed.

What the hell is a no summon, but gateable room? You either have a transport room or you don't. You don't get one or the other.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:58 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:29 pm
Posts: 39
Back to the point of the thread though:

Why is this spell (at least in its current form) in the game?

It's not that it's impossible to avoid or stop a voodoo, or even a chain voodoo - I don't think anyone has ever argued that to be the case. It's simply not a fun mechanic, it adds very little to the game for either party. You might argue that it provides something to fear about a shaman, but why does it need to be the way it is? Much more could be done with any of the suggestions provided - I think giving shamans a method for scrying is a great idea, and altering voodoo to be a DoT would be an excellent tweak, allowing at least some kind of strategy. As is, keeping spells up 24/7 and carrying SA vials is not strategy, it's just mandated paranoia.

This is the issue here. Salandarin is suggesting that the game continue to move away from the constant state of paranoia (remember the old energy drain?). The only argument that has been given as to why voodoo should be kept in the game is usually along the lines of:

Voodoo is fine. To those getting voodooed stop trying to go after those shamans. It is pretty simple. Getting rid of voodoo would make shamans a totally worthless class.

This alone speaks volumes for the mechanic.

But the sentiment several people have voiced is along the lines of:

Voodoo is unfun to all concerned. Dealing with it or using it is mostly a matter of collecting enough special widgets. Other than that, it's tactically empty. And did I mention unfun?

So how about looking at changing the voodoo spell, or the shaman class itself if necessary, to make everything a bit more fun for everyone.

There have been penty of noteworthy ideas in this thread for modifying either the spell or the class. Or at least some that are worth further thought by the Imms.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:15 am 

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Or maybe people coud develop a bit more responsibility and use the spell with caution instead of spamming it on whoever upsets them. I am not fond of hardcoded implementations. Especially not when this whole subject can be dealt with ICly.

Falls under the same category as final strike, more or less.

Voodoo is fine. To those getting voodooed stop trying to go after those shamans. It is pretty simple. Getting rid of voodoo would make shamans a totally worthless class.


No. If one has to rely on voodoo to make a shaman worth playing, one is doing something seriously wrong. That being said, if someone does come up with a worthwhile idea about what to replace voodoo with, I'd be all up for it.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:48 pm 

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Lolth wrote:
Falls under the same category as final strike, more or less.

I don't really like final strike, either, but that's a different thread for a different day. The only final strike I ever found even remotely amusing was Tshotha's.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:41 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:02 pm
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I think it stupid to blame a shaman for using voodoo over and over again when its just a feature of the game. If a skill or spell is overpowered people are allowed to use it as much as they want until its fixed. I don't think it makes sense to have overpowered spells in the game and put the responsibility on the shaman not to overuse it. Not that voodoo isn't overpowered when used once a year. Its not fair to the shaman or the enemies of the shaman.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:23 pm 

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Rial makes a great point. That's why final strike was nerfed, that's why energy drain was nerfed - as logical as it might seem to blame the players for the nerfs, the game enabled the necessity for such nerfs by giving unlimited access to unbalanced or more or less unamusing game mechanics. Players have always been playing in whatever way that's most effective, and they always will - fighting reality is a lost cause, and tempting it is just as foolish.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:14 pm 

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I'd still like to see voodoo broken up as I had suggested earlier in this thread. It shouldn't have to be attempted murder from far away every time it is cast, but maledictions based on the target of the area of the victim.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:03 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:55 pm
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As a former shaman player, I'd LOVE to see voodoo weakened into a far-range malediction, and have shamans get that power back elsewhere. Shamans are poor in large groups, and that's where much of the game's fun is. Not sitting in a room waiting to be unparalyzed.

However, Dulrik has explained that he wants to keep voodoo to stop equipment hoarders. This is supposed to be a way to kill those who collect shinies and refuse to enter combat.

If you've another solution for that problem, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're wasting your time.

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