Kin wrote:
Okay, just to see that we're on the same page, explain something to me please.
How is it this change will affect veteran necros, but won't newbie necros? I imagine the first thing a newbie necro wants to do is amass an army (admittedly I've thought of doing it.) and go wreak havoc. This would limit the size of their "army" big time, and if they're inexperienced, chances are they won't know about scrolls, wands or staves or where to find them. A very harsh trial by fire if you will. If anything, I wouldn't see veteran necros affected by it much at all because generally they know where to find controls, wands and staves and would know how to work around it better than a newbie necro. Atleast, that's my thoughts on it. What was yours?
The difference between newer players and veteran players to necromancer is primarily equipping, hasting, berserking, and correctly controlling their undead - not how many they have. I found when I fist began playing my necro that I was getting trounced and barely able to kill players with 15 wraiths. Then I realize that 5 wraiths with hunting spears that are hasted do significantly more damage than 15 unhasted wraiths, especially on players with toughness or heavy armor (the majority of hte game, really).
With this change no necromancer will be able to handle groups of more than 3 or so unless their opponents are particularly inept. As it stands, a veteran player with a necromancer can take out groups of 3+ without great risk.
Newer players will find almost no difference in whether or not they live through a pk if they have 15 wraiths or if they have 6 wraiths. The vast majority of newer necros don't even use the proper orders on their wraiths to engage them all in pk.
Essentially, this change limits the ability of necros to take on groups of players, but it will barely affect their ability to kill individual players.