Sargas wrote:
Malhavoc wrote:
tl;dr Because it was all the same love.
Simplest answer is this: allow us to pick up during combat again. Do not allow us to junk but allow us to grab. This will counter the need for 5 weapons on a character that is afraid of being disarmed with no way to rearm. Problem solved. With how hard it is to just walk away from combat now a kill+g all+ run isn't going to happen all that often. And not allowing junking will stop the OMG i'm going to lose but i killed two of them let me junk them before I die.
No. This make PvP really dumb. Get a cheap gank, loot corpse, word of recall. Or, disarm and steal their weapon.
I'm told taking your opponents weapon is a legit tactic circa start of time to now.
Also just make locked gauntlets an item in the game. That solves a [REDACTED] tone of disarm issues. Instead of letting them be 100% effective give the defender a huge bonus to save vs disarm. If those that are afraid of the disarm fear it less they won't need to many extras. And yeah hoarders gonna hoard. If someone can justify using them all then it shouldn't be a problem.
[sblock]Locking Gauntlet was a gauntlet used in 16th century which featured extra long fingers that could be locked to the wrist. This setup prevented a sword, axe or mace from being dislodged from warrior's hands. Simply a warrior could not be disarmed. These type of gauntlets were forbidden during tournaments and because of that this type of gauntlet was also called the forbidden gauntlet. [/sblock]