Dulrik wrote:
Thuban wrote:
I have a few questions about this. By saying a rogue is capable of full attacking anyone in the enemy formation, does that mean they could backstab anyone except a protected person in M2?
In theory, those attacks would continue to follow the existing rules. For backstab that includes not being wary and not being under direct attack. So yes, you could backstab. The big question is whether the guy in the rear has the opportunity to full attack back at the rogue. If the answer is yes, that would make circle stabs tough. If the answer is no, then this is probably too powerful. As your examples bring up, there are a lot of conceptual issues of formation orientation here as you get deeper into it.
I do not think that backstabs should be able to hit everyone in a formation except m2. I think it only makes sense to backstab someone who does not have eyes on their back, so to say. As I see it, with the logic presented here, rogues should already be able to backstab everyone in a formation except m2. So, I would say leave backstab as it is.
On the other hand I really like the idea about a rogue being able to attack everyone except m2 and I think that circle stabs should be possible, somehow, which may require some rewording of the help files. BUT! Let us say that the rogue is attacking m1. He attacks with regular attacks and adds circle to the cocktail. That would be overpowered... unless the person in that position and maybe also f1 and b1 were able to direct their attacks at the rogue which would make circle stabs impossible to continue. The attacked formation will have to react fast though to prevent a squishy from getting killed though. If they are quick to react the rogue may be killed very fast on the other hand, therefore I would suggest a skill (maybe automatic that only requires you to attack someone else) to either attack another member of the formation or maybe even return to his own formation with lag involved.
But what if the rogue attacks f1? Would the rogue be able attack from an angle so that the rogue will only be facing f1 in battle while m1 and f2 cannot reach the rogue? That would be pretty cool! I don't know how the current formation is coded, but I assume that it would have to be recoded so that there would be added new columns and rows that are only available to the rogue?
I kinda like all the suggestions made, while I would like to emphasize that I do not think utility skills alone will cut it for making the rogue class viable in PvE and PvP except for surprise attacks or against newbs