Shattered Kingdoms

A new emote
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Author:  Lei_Kung [ Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  A new emote

I think this might have been brought up before but I would like a new type of emote that I’m calling an aemote. Basically it allows for someone to target another with an emote. For example, I type <aemote dalamar reaches out and picks VAR's nose>. This would then appear differently to those that see it.

I would see = You reach out and pick dalamar’s nose.

Dalamar would see = lei_kung reaches out and picks your nose.

Those knowing dalamar and me = lei_kung reaches out and picks dalamar’s nose.

Those knowing Dalamar and not me = A touched-in-the-head male human reaches out and picks dalamar’s nose.

Those knowing me and not dalamar = lei_klung reaches out and picks a humpty-dumpty-looking male human’s nose.

And those not knowing either of us = A thouched-in-the-head male human reaches out and picks a humpty-dumpty-looking male human’s nose.

Why would this be of any importance? Well it does come in handy when emoting while there are multiple people in the room. If one uses <your nose> it reads funny to everyone. If you use the target’s name, you are giving away IC information. If you use the target’s adjective, it reads funny and those that know the target might not remember the target’s adjective. Ultimately, it would be a very nice tool for RP and allow a greater range of emoting without awkwardness. The foundation for this already exists in the scripting language if I remember correctly.

Edit: I've decided to add a poll
Lei Kung

Author:  Ilae [ Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know this would be so handy for the induction/investment RPs that I do. It's been brought up a number of times, so I think the player base really would like to see it happen as well.

Author:  ilkaisha [ Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dig it. I can think of a million times I would have used that if available.

Author:  Lakir [ Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've also wished for such funtionality.

Author:  Fougare! [ Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new emote

Lei_Kung wrote:
If you use the target’s adjective, it reads funny and those that know the target might not remember the target’s adjective.

glance <humpty-dumpty-looking>
You see a humpty-dumpty-looking male human.
Overall dalamar is in awful condition.

Other than that I agree entirely, it would work wonderfully with group RP. I actually remember using the wrong adjective once or twice, I just remembered the word "brown" being part of it, and I used "haired" when it was "eyed" just because I had just seen someone else "xxx-haired", its like when someone asks you how was your day as you are reading a billboard and your answer is "we disected a truck.... uh, I mean frog"

Author:  Lei_Kung [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A new emote

Fougare! wrote:
glance <humpty-dumpty-looking>
You see a humpty-dumpty-looking male human.
Overall dalamar is in awful condition.

I know you can just glance, but it still is a pain. In my mind if I have to glance at everyone I have greeted to either do the emote properly or to see who is targeted, it takes away from the atmosphere the RP is trying to create. Although, you point out a useful tip for those that might not know, I still think it is very clunky for users.

lei kung

Author:  Ilae [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Ditto. As well as, I find it time consuming when doing investments/inductions. I can think of five targeted emotes that I use for investment alone, that I type up in word and do a replace on the word TARGET with the adjective/sex/race, but that takes a bit of time and can cause the mood to disintergrate.

Author:  Ilyana [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't forget that a lot of people are making identical twins/triplets lately which makes it very hard to do an emote towards one of them when both/all are in the room. When you have several people of the same adjective, gender, and race the only thing left to specify is the name which is far from proper in an emote.

Author:  Kilia [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Goldlantern [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Lazy bastards. Just get more inventive with what we've got already.

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