Shattered Kingdoms

What does Faerie Fire really do?
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Author:  Minette [ Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  What does Faerie Fire really do?

[Spells help] faerie fire

Syntax: cast 'faerie fire' <victim>

Faerie fire encircles the victim in a halo of glowing flames which
effectively allows opponents to land blows with greater ease. The spell's
effectiveness increases with the level of the caster.

Faerie fire, on a 'standard' DIKU MUD, heightens the armor class, giving the attackers an edge on melee attacks. Some have argued that it is magical attacks in SK, since the magical protection enchant in SK give reduction in damage of magical attacks.

Which one is it? A greater ease of melee blows on target, or more magic damage on target?

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