Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Baraka [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Sub-races

Another idea:

What if, instead of totally new races, Dulrik modified some of them to include sub-races?

Dwarves, giants, centaurs, and sprites being the most likely candidates. Centaurs and sprites even have the help-files written already. As far as giants go, see DnD giants. Dwarves might have different clans moreso than subraces, but subraces exist for them as well (dark dwarves/duergar and shield dwarves for example).

Ideas, thoughts, comments?

Author:  nothingxs [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

There aren't any subraces for dwarves in SK, and not all dwarves are clan-related. Furthermore, dwarf clans don't exactly show wildly different traits, as far as we're all aware.

Sprites and centaurs, however, do have some culture shown that may have, with time, affected how their bloodlines display their abilities. Subraces for them may be interesting.

An auburn-pelted male desapva is here?

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can't you people RP your sub-race? Do you need it hard coded?

Author:  nothingxs [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the idea is to have somewhat different stats between the different kinds of races.

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

If the effort to make subraces is 1% of the effort to make an orc race for example, I'd still take this 1% of work for the orc race anytime.

Having a +-1 to one stat between sub-races(because I doubt the difference will be much more) is nothing great. Having a brand new race on the other hand owns.

Author:  meztiso [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Minator race...

Minor changes like subraces should just be Rped out, Only becuase a whole new race would be time better spent IMO. Not becuase it is a bad idea...

Author:  Orac [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I have to say I particularily dislike this idea. I've already played a sub race of dwarf. I played a Deugar dwarf on SK. You can too. Just be creative.

Dwarves aren't that different from one another at this point in time in Pyrathia. I believe that the dwarves that became different are now the gnomes.

Same goes for the other races. So, to sum it up. Wrong mud for something like this.

Author:  ilkaisha [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:29 am ]
Post subject: 

meztiso wrote:
Minator race...

Okay, as long as you're not writing any helpfiles.

Author:  The Mighty Fluffball [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:05 am ]
Post subject: 

The day Meztiso starts writing helpfiles is the day any trace of coherence in the english language goes away.

Author:  Inzy [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I want to play a goblin, Dulrik? Do you hear me?! Goblin!!!!!!!!!!
Other races like 'minotaur' might be kind of funny--(this [REDACTED] helm won't fit?!?!?!)

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