[Objects help] request
Syntax: request <object>
This power is granted to those few good people who are deemed worthy. You are
allowed to request items be given to you from NPCs. They do this so that good
people can be equipped to fight evil without resorting to killing others. This
is an ability which is watched very closely. Requested items are not to be
given to any other person. You may only request items which you yourself plan
to use. If you no longer have a use for an item, you must destroy it. Please
follow these guidelines lest you find yourself being punished.
OK, I'm tired of seeing obviously requested stuff in HQs(tribunal and cabal ones).
Or are you allowed to do a run as a GM max CHA elf(example because of high CHA) at all lightie NPCs that hold some EQ after a crash/reboot, get like 600-700 lbs of decent lewt only to drop them inside your safehouse?