Dark-Avenger wrote:
Rather useless then. Why bother to code something none would ever use? Especially if you can't decide which enchantment will be gone from a piece of EQ. So your +4 MP/+4 MR item might end up +1 MP/+4 MR so it's even worse. I'd prefer to just fade it.
Well the only reason I suggest it is that I seem to only be able to blow [REDACTED] up, and by the time I do manage to fade something it is at near god-like quality, and useless to a mentor. It would just be a safer way of fading that would make things a little easier on the lower level enchanters/friends of enchanters (keeping the quality down a bit more). It would also give a bit more logical purpose to dispel--it works on positive magic and some negative magic and some neutral magic (AoE), why not this magic?