It was most recently discussed
here - too tired to wade through it all again, but it came to naught. Of course, this went into voice and gait actions also, went into further depth.
If you now suggest that the action would be tacked on to any of the default actions, I think it might be a slightly new spin on the repeated beggings for action changes. That is, you type "action here, trimming her nails with her blade" and of course you'd get the standard:
Threnody is here, trimming her nails with her blade.
If you type sit, you get:
Threnody is sitting here, trimming her nails with her blade.
Of course, that leads for plenty of opportunities for looking stupid, but so does the current action. Just be mindful as you always would have to when you move around.
Otherwise I think it's going back into things that have been debated to no avail.
But please, please, please, can action be somehow similarly spiffy-fied? I hate sacrificing an RP tool just because if I don't rest when I can, I can't hold spells and will undoubtedly die. (Well, that was Adara, but I know she wasn't alone in that choice.) And since this is the game where RP and tactics's not safe to ditch the tactics altogether unless you're fond of the River.