Shattered Kingdoms |
Innate skills/teach |
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Author: | Im2old4u [ Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Innate skills/teach |
Code: teach XxX 'deep tongue' 0
That's too instinctive for you to try to teach. Fix plz. |
Author: | Tragonis [ Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:04 pm ] |
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If you really want to teach someone an innate skill or spell, that you would get at any other race for your class. Polymorph into something else and then teach it. |
Author: | Behelros [ Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:33 pm ] |
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Heh, I've had that thought, but I get too side tracked pretty quick.. glad to see this to remind me. |
Author: | Pushing40 [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:47 am ] |
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I can understand having unteachable innate skills and spells. With that in mind, would it be possible to move deep tongue to amateur mastered as the home tongue already is? |
Author: | Forsooth [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:57 am ] |
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I'd like to second Pushing40's suggestion. Not only is it a good idea, but the coding could have further application. One of the problems with suggesting innate skills for races is that they all have to be mastered at level 1. A strong skill might not be balanced at Amateur. Being able to put innate skills at an arbitrary rank level would expand the possibilties. |
Author: | One Valiant Truth [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:20 am ] |
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I agree aswell. It is not as that they are BORN learning to speak the tongue is it? A giant can do enhanced damage and bash things due to it's ...well giantness. A deep-elf, gnome, or dwarf...can they speak at birth? |
Author: | juggernaut [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:11 am ] |
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In general, I think that if you inately can do something, you can should be able to teach it to someone who has the ability to learn it, nomatter what. So it is not a matter of the level of the skil, but of the whole concept around inate skils. IE: A mernan will inately be a master in swimming. Does this mean he can not teach someone who is able to how to swim? Why not? A giant knows how to throw his weight against his opponent to bash. A human mercenary can learn how to do this as well. Why can't the giant teach him the technique? |
Author: | Forsooth [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:08 am ] |
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Why couldn't a giant teach a human merc how to bash? Because it probably takes less skill from a huge ogre than for a human. It may also be something they can do instinctively, instead of a learned technique they can pass on. Likewise, a griffon could probably teach their self-defense skill only to other griffons. "To get a good talon swipe, you curve your claws like this and - oh, you don't have any." Nor would a merman's advice about tail swishing and water breathing help a human intent on swimming. Having these innate skills be non-teachable adds to the distinctness of the races and the flavor of the game. In general, it's a good thing. It just doesn't work well for deep tongue. |
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