Having played a sorc who got taunted on a regular basis and a shaman with 20 int that got taunted a few times. The int drop from taunt is not that big, a deep-elf could still keep up charm person, which is I believe one of the higher concentration spells in the game, and a 20 int shaman who gets taunt can keep Spirit Aura up if they don't have Sanc up, if they have sanc up, they drop both.
The overpowered part of taunt is the no getting away. The skill just needs to go back to how it was before the changes. Or you need to change the skill so that even in 1vs1 it has a less than 50 person chance against anyone with 10 or more wisdom. What kind of idiot is going to fight to their own death(killing the other person I can see, but because they called me a name or something I can't tell when I'm about to die and need to make a hasty exit?) because someone made fun of them? And yes, Hellions and Paladins who do that are idiots.
But, to tell the truth, the funniest and stupidest part about taunt is what I'm going to give an example of.
Here goes.
Joe's sharp tongue causes Sarah to charge him in fury!!!(or whatever the message is)
Round of combat1
Round of combat2
Sarah quaffs a delicate vial of word of recall.
Oh Noes, she's taunted! Joe called her ugly, which somehow makes a magic potion not work!
Seriously come on, taunt is [REDACTED], it needs to go back to how it was before the changes.