Shattered Kingdoms

A better use of Art
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Author:  Brownpapasito [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  A better use of Art

Art was a great addition to the game but most people stop training it once they hit the max of their highest art-using magical device. The widely circulated belief is that if someone cannot resist a 9 art they won't resist a 14 and that if they can resist a 9 chances are that they can resist a 14 because of their enchanted suits. That also goes along with the theory that people will either have a sick amount of enchants on their armor or they won't. There is really no middle. Thus, there is no point in maxing it.

I would like to see art take on an additional role. One that I feel would embody someone who has mastered the art of casting. My idea is that the trains between 10-14 would reduce casting time by a set amount. I couldn't tell you the numbers because I do not know how the game works in that regards but like each time you train it, it would reduce your casting time by .5 sec or what not.

I picked the higher end numbers because only those who devote their entire life to magic arcane or divine can reach that level, and two, someone that learned in magic would probably have found a way to speed up their casting.

I think its a cool idea at least as it would give additional worth to those 4 trains that most people skip out on for other stat points.

Author:  Jada [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I actually really like this idea. Even if it's a very small, small boost it'd be nice to get something out of those last points. Gives older characters with extra mentor points something to put it in too.

Author:  meztiso [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:55 pm ]
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I love the idea as well.

(though I will probably still only train 7-9 arts on my priest)
Anything that helps make charactors more unique

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:15 pm ]
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Which means it probably shouldn't be implimented.

Author:  Muktar [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:32 pm ]
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Art shouldn't become anymore useful than it already is.

Author:  silmar [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:37 pm ]
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If art was to get a boost I would lean towards art of 9+ granting a larger bonus. IE not all art trains are equal. Then similarly with Mana HP and PE trains.
How ever I feel art is balanced at the moment for the most part. Until such time as there is more to spend stat trains on I dont think you need any extra incentive to train art. I still like the idea of stat trains to lessen weaknesses and improve advantages of races. As it is now it is a personal call of +13 or +9 art same as it is with HP trains over wisdom for will save as fighter. The choice is yours and in different situations you will end up better off for each choice.

Author:  Cyra [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:18 pm ]
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Why can't you quit worrying and let people place their stat points however the hell they feel like it?

Author:  imri [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

With the new changes, HP, Mana, and Move all increase regeneration rates...I think it makes sense to have art make you cast faster with each train. Not significantly...but just a little with each would be that the more you train it, the faster you get. So I think its a great idea!!

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I think it would be better based on a percentage than on a hard set ammount. like 5% faster. 14 art trains, 5 over 9, would then have the spell cast in 75% of the time of a normal one.

Author:  imri [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Thats a good idea, I like that idea very well, its not that much faster, but enough to give someoen who puts the points in, an advantage...especially since the ones who will likely use this the most, cant' take much in combat, its important to be able to cast quickly...especially with how easy it is to get tripped and bashed.

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