ilkaisha wrote:
I've you're playing a necromancer and don't carry those items, you're doing something wrong.
It shouldn't be a spell. In order to embalm a corpse there is a very real need for material components. They don't take up much space, and they don't cost much. I'm not sure what the issue is.
How many times have you been stuck in, lets say somewhere exotic, A'van. You're doing your thing nothing at all is going wrong. Then a small group of trollers come allong. You were not interested in gathering limbs so as a rogue or whatnot you didn't gather said item, but you did have the notion to have a scroll of it, or perhaps you didn't know where to gather the item or whatever, now you're out here a good bit away from where you get said item. You defeat the trollers and manage to get body parts. How many times have you had them crumble just as you get to the shop? I know i've had it happen tons of times where I just don't have it on other characters.
As a necromancer and dealing with bodies it makes perfect sence to be able to increase their decay timer. You know that much about anatomy and the dark arts you can litterally keep flesh from rotting. I'm looking at this spell mostly from the RP standpoint of oh lets summon a necro to help us, or oh hey we should see a necro about getting a few of those just in case. Hell give the spell to another class if you want.
I understand you could still go get the other item, but for some reason it just makes sence in my mind that this spell exists. And yes I know there are a million and two other things that should be made first. Flavor wise and RP wise I find this spell to be a slight enough boon that I even post such an idea, knowing full well everyone is going to shoot it down and thrash on my playstyle. Because I don't usually carry the fluids, and I have good IC reasons why I don't, and the OOC reason of the vials add up in weight and cost, they might be easy to get but will end up costing me 30 minutes of prep time to get. I mean if you could teleport to gate targets then this would be no issue.
Good day folks.