Shattered Kingdoms

Light armor priests
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Author:  Erevan [ Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Light armor priests

- Remove compulsion - New spell for cloth armor priests

What about light armor priests?
I'd be inclined to say that priests of light armor faiths have the benefit of having generally more 'tolerant' dogmas to 'unorthodox' RPing behaviors.

Still, seeing that in this game you chose your religion instead of it choosing you at the beginning of your creation, and since this is an RPG where balance is considered important, I feel I should ask. What about light armor priests? What's their perk?

It is widely known that cloth armor can be as good as light armor with a certain spell, and that some cloth armor priests will be using a certain type of armor giving them the same amount of defense (but perhaps not AC) as heavy armor priests. Of course, same stands for light armor priests, but they don't get any love.

Surely enough, cloth priests needed a boon. I had thought this would be taken care of with the new religion spells which are supposedly going to be more powerful in cloth religions. However, with this change, it seems that the light armors get the short end of this stick. No dispel charm spell, and a 'weaker' religion spell than that of the clothies.

Is there something in store for light armor priests?

Author:  Goldlantern [ Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Erevan wrote:
and a 'weaker' religion spell than that of the clothies.

You're out of your infernal mind.

Author:  Konge [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Light armor priests are just fine, heck, I think scale/MV even surpasses adamantite in AC - and if you aren't keen on the upkeep of a spell, energy/mithril is just fine.

Author:  nothingxs [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Goldlantern wrote:
Erevan wrote:
and a 'weaker' religion spell than that of the clothies.

You're out of your infernal mind.

elaborate? D:

Author:  Erevan [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:35 am ]
Post subject: 

and, my mind is not infernal. It's abysmal. Don't insult me.

Anyone who knows basic planescape can tell the difference.
Konge wrote:
Light armor priests are just fine, heck, I think scale/MV even surpasses adamantite in AC - and if you aren't keen on the upkeep of a spell, energy/mithril is just fine.

I'm explaining the fact that heavy armor priests clearly have an added perk to their class, and now cloth armor priests have their perk. Light armors don't.
Sure, energy armor is just fine, but it's an option for everyone so I'd not take it into account in the balance department.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:37 am ]
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Erevan wrote:
[and, my mind is abysmal]

I won't argue with that.

Author:  Achernar [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:20 am ]
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This seems like a whine. There is no solution presented.


Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Light armor priests are fine. There is an infinite amount of elite armor available to them but it seems none seems to bother with mithril skins anymore.

Author:  Erevan [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

We bother, DA.

Achernar, the reason I did not provide a solution was mainly because this was a question :P

Is there something in store for light armor priests?

If there's not, I'll come up with a solution after I get a few things in my head sorted. It can be tricky to think speak about balance when your own character is in the category you are trying to prove 'underpowered'. It can be easily mistaken for whining :P

Anyway, I'll get back to this thread soon-ish.
Off the top of my head, my solution would be dodge.
Way I see it, the fact they're wearing some armor instead of cloth represents they're combatants. Since they are combatants they should somehow be able to handle themselves in a fight. Not as well as heavy armored priests, but better than cloth priests.

Author:  Goldlantern [ Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:08 am ]
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