Alright, mentor is quite simple really, if you are light aura, I would totally save expert-mentor for Traveling encampment/Chancel, simply done, it'll be rough for a bit, but once you get to mentor, you'll get it done easily.
Master for a lightie, there are MANY friendly GM healers, that might just take the time to help a few lighties or even one or two lighties train in the yg'rithian deeps, if persuaded properly. Or even take you to the Temple of Murder.
Ardith has tipped me off that the cursed woods actually has two different areas, the actual woods, and the path to the necropolis, the woods are a good lvling area for expert-mentor lighties.
A'van keep too, is an execellent leveling area for mentor lighties.
For greyies and darkies, around expert, I would go to garazul, you'll make a ton of money(and kill Ardiths economy
), and you'll level at a DECENT pace, not an EXTREME pace, but a DECENT pace. You kill everything in the city.
for a greyie-darkie mentor, Sith'a'nil is a great place to level, the shopkeepers and such, sadly, players will be asses and try to stop you from lvling there, so just do it when they aren't around >_<, I'd also suggest Owyran and if you need tips in lvling in Owyran, just PM me, and I'll hint you some help.
other places I would suggest for greybie-darkie mentor lvling, the sprite palace, when you go there, kill everything, and if you CAN, run to sith'a'nil and kill a repop of them too.
my latest incarnation, I ran from exile(killing everything in the temple, and many shopkeepers, to everclear(same killing of shopkeepers, some hurt tho), to the sprite city palace, to get my entire mentor status over with quickly.
For a master lvl darkie-greybie, as I have explained eariler, I would totally use the mage coloney, the priests on the upper lvl, with a sand golem, or PM me for other tricks to kill them easily, I can give you tips for specific classes too.