First of all, lets take a look at what the problem REALLY is, the law systems that differ dramatically in EACH kingdom.
Laws of Zhenshi
Attempted Theft: imprisonment
Attempted Assault: imprisonment
Attempted Murder: imprisonment
Theft: imprisonment wealth-confiscate
Assault and Battery: imprisonment wealth-fine
Low Murder: imprisonment wealth-fine eq-fine
High Murder: imprisonment wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate
Laws of Taslamar
Attempted Theft: wealth-fine
Attempted Assault: eq-fine
Attempted Murder: imprisonment eq-fine
Theft: wealth-confiscate
Assault and Battery: imprisonment wealth-fine
Low Murder: imprisonment eq-confiscate
High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate
Laws of Ayamao
Attempted Theft: wealth-fine
Attempted Assault: eq-fine
Attempted Murder: imprisonment eq-fine
Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
Assault and Battery: imprisonment eq-fine
Low Murder: imprisonment eq-confiscate
High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate
Laws of Wastes
Attempted Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
Attempted Assault: mutilation eq-fine
Attempted Murder: mutilation wealth-confiscate eq-fine
Theft: imprisonment mutilation wealth-fine
Assault and Battery: imprisonment eq-fine
Low Murder: imprisonment wealth-fine eq-fine
High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate
Laws of Empire
Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
Assault and Battery: death
Low Murder: mutilation eq-fine
High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate