Shattered Kingdoms

Idea ::History::
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Author:  Osterich2.0 [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Idea ::History::

Just a thought that would be useful for players to keep track of their characters, perhaps for character development, or just for memory for the character. A History command.

ex. History Joined X religion brought in by John and witnessed by Sally, Nancy and Jane. Short ceremony

History battled X for honor and rule over x kingdom

It would save the information in a bank and compile saving in game date, and perhaps RL date, it in chronological order so that you can look back at your characters life.

The output command could be something like retrieve?

Ex Retrieve -Day of Thunder, Grand Struggle 10th, 999 T.A. Joined X religion brought in by John and witnessed by Sally, Nancy and Jane. Short ceremony
-Day of Thunder, Grand Struggle 18th, 999 T.A. History battled X for honor and rule over x kingdom

Something along those lines, edits could be made, changes but something along those lines


Author:  Muktar [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Instead of saving it in the game. If it was made accessible from the forums after you had entered the forumid command.

Author:  Amadeo [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Nifty - kept to maybe 20 lines+ auto lines (explained below) so it didn't eat up too much space. Useful. Handy if when you deleted it'd print as you were tossed from the realms.

Auto history lines: creation, investment, blemishment, atonement induction, tarnish, (untarnish?), uninductin, HF/leader flagged(or unflagged) "gained/lost leadership of <>", age-death

Is there ever going to be a point in time when we have quest history type command to view a list of completed quests (accomplishments), perhaps with their IC dates?

Nice idea, history. Very nice.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

It should be noted that proposing changes that will add to pfile size will probably never see any sort of positive resolution. This would add to pfile size.

Author:  Amadeo [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

ObjectivistActivist wrote:
It should be noted that proposing changes that will add to pfile size will probably never see any sort of positive resolution. This would add to pfile size.

Depends on the space available. Pfiles not used in a month are cleansed anyway, so I'm not sure what the ramifications would be. Not sure how many characters the mud stores on average a month that make it through.

Perhaps Dulrik can mention if it's just way too much, or if its remotely feasible, or feasible if we'd help and donate ;)

Author:  Threnody [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Most ideas like this strike my fancy, but this particular one just makes me think...wordpad file? Seems like keeping individual records would be a lot simpler than coding something like this which would potentially (in my very, very limited understanding) bog memory down.

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