Carsetius wrote:
On a side know about mintoaurs, I have not played one but I have heard that they cant where a head slot. What about allowing them to wear noserings? Like that NPC in the Teron noobie area. Let them get a limited ac for a nosering but allow them nothing else?
This was addressed by an Imm, I believe Dulrik actually, in another thread where they talked about how Minotaurs believe that the nosering is a sign of slavery and it infuriates them.
Even if the mindset was changed on this, the noserings really should only be considered treasures and not armor. How is a nosering going to stop a hammer to the back of the head. In fact, how is a nosering going to stop a hammer to the nose? Go to your local metal concert and punch some guy with a nosering in the face. His nose breaks just as easy as yours, believe me.