Shattered Kingdoms

Spirit Walk
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Author:  Yed [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Spirit Walk

[Spells help] spirit walk

Syntax: cast 'spirit walk'

Spirit walk is the pinnacle of the shaman's connection to the spirit realm,
giving her the power to literally step outside her body, in all effect taking
the form of a spirit. The shaman can manifest or be seanced as a normal
spirit and can travel to the River of Death. Any spirit doll wielded by the
shaman upon walking will create a bond between the shaman and their
target, allowing her to see the target's location or to manifest to the target,
depending upon power of the shaman and their target's willpower.

When in this spirit walk, the shaman's body appears as if in a deep sleep
and is completely defenseless. If her body is killed while on the spirit walk,
the shaman is trapped in spirit form- dead. An exorcism is the great bane
of all wandering spirits, and this is no different for the spirit walking shaman.
A successful exorcism cast upon the shaman will at least exorcise the
spirit back to her body and at worst will kill the shaman.

See also: 'spirit doll' manifest seance exorcism

Author:  alvarro [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea. I remember this spell discussed here before, or the idea to it anyways in not as elaborate manner... or maybe i remember wrong and have just thought about the same spell before.

I like.

Author:  Konge [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Should have a mana drain at all times, and higher than normal when manifested. My primary concern is casting;manifesting to someone;releasing - thus circumventing all risks.

I can't think of a proper way to actually force risks upon the spirit walker - as a set time they should stay in the form would still allow for an instant, subsequent manifestation to a friend to get out of trouble.

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

'astral projection' seems like a better name for this idea.

Author:  alvarro [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

astral projection is too cliche bound.

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