Shattered Kingdoms

Seeker System
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Author:  3 of Pentacles [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Seeker System

Alright, based on two other threads on mind it seems that a lot of people agree that the leadership system is flawed. Both Achernar and Dulrik have stated that a more automated system is being worked on to help spread things out and whatnot. My idea has probably already been discussed amongst the imms, but I figured it'd be an interesting topic for the players too.

I'm not a builder and I know jack squat about coding, but I think a seeker system would be beneficial to the players. What I'm proposing would be, I'm thinking, somewhat similar to the mentor system, except more specific. The syntax would be something like 'seek <insert immortal here>' and would flag that player as a seeker. A seekers list would be provided with the HFs of the religion, explained ICly away as divine communication with their immortal (they ARE often called the Voice). A time limit could be set on the system so that after two weeks, if a decision has not been reached, it automatically brings the attention of whichever immortal is taking care of that particular religion.

I'm hoping this made sense, and that others who are more into the mechanics of the game can elaborate on it. So, thoughts?

edit: My idea was only for religions, but maybe it could be applied to tribs/cabals too.

Author:  3 of Pentacles [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hm.. Also, I got some feedback from someone worried about spam. I was thinking that once the seek command was used, it'd be like adj. You couldn't use it again unless you're rejected from that religion. It obviously couldn't be used by those who are already in a religion.

And, after the two week period of no decision being reached (due to HF inactivity or the like), that message dealie would be sent out to the imm in charge of that faith only once. I'm sure only one message would be necessary. This is only what I have in mind, and I'm sure it can be improved.


:( How come feed-back comes out as fickle? It's totally innocent in its context.

Author:  laeZ1 [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, there's the title command. You could hint at seeking.

I.E. title , seeking a path to enlightenment. Would suggest a seeker for Fists

title - looking for a touch of chaos. Makes me think of a Marfik seeker.

Author:  Ain (2012) [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

There goes the suspenseful secret rp, because you just painted a target on yourself..

Author:  mundufisen [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

laeZ1 wrote:
Well, there's the title command. You could hint at seeking.

I.E. title , seeking a path to enlightenment. Would suggest a seeker for Fists

Could mean Zavijah as well. :wink:

Author:  laeZ1 [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

How is title viewed, then? (ICly, I mean)

I've always thought of it as peasants talking to each other, and you just hear it. "You hear that greyforth is the gnomish element?" "Aldric is the magelord of the empire" "Halela is an avian anarchist something something, but it was really catchy!"

Or is it just something you sense, along with their presence?

Author:  3 of Pentacles [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not suggesting that RP should be reduced in the slightest! I was just trying to present an idea that might help leaders be aware of seekers that might not play at the same time as them, or similar situations. I mean, yeah, we could always use the astral boards and stuff, but what if a seeker wants to keep their religion a secret? Going around announcing that they're looking for the HF of Thuban isn't keeping it a secret, is it?

Author:  3 of Pentacles [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

laeZ1 wrote:
How is title viewed, then? (ICly, I mean)

I think everyone's got their own ideas, but I think of it as something you hear on the grapevine, similarly to how you presented it.

Author:  laeZ1 [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

3 of Pentacles wrote:
I'm not suggesting that RP should be reduced in the slightest! I was just trying to present an idea that might help leaders be aware of seekers that might not play at the same time as them, or similar situations. I mean, yeah, we could always use the astral boards and stuff, but what if a seeker wants to keep their religion a secret? Going around announcing that they're looking for the HF of Thuban isn't keeping it a secret, is it?

Good point. Same could be said for Harlequins, I think. (Actually, any cabal could make the argument, now that I think about it.)

Author:  3 of Pentacles [ Wed May 13, 2009 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am thinking that the reach of my idea could be reduced, too. It could be as simple as 'seek <insert religion/cabal/trib>' and it would add your name to a list for the HF. It would make them aware of you and shouldn't reduce seeking RP in the slightest. No time limit, no message for the imms. When the HF has reviewed you and made their decision, all they'd have to do is erase your name from the list.

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